Extend Your Classroom: How FLOW Speak Amplifies In-person Teaching

December 7, 2023

Being an ESL teacher can be one of the most rewarding endeavors in your professional life. You have a hand in helping people reach their goals and make it to the next level in their personal and professional lives. But it’s not easy, and the job comes with a host of challenges. 

The in-class experience lets you explain nuances of the language, give guidance and deeper explanations, and encourage your students to keep going. But class time is limited. This is one of the biggest challenges ESL teachers face - there simply isn’t enough time in class - teachers don’t have enough time to give feedback, and students don’t have time for repetition.

When we look specifically at speaking practice, the class-time challenge especially stands out. Speaking is arguably the hardest part of English to learn, yet there isn’t enough time in class to practice and there has been a lack of resources to assign speaking homework.

This is where FLOW Speak can help teachers and students alike. FLOW Speak enables teachers to give speaking practice homework to complement and solidify the in-person lessons.

Speaking is arguably the hardest part of English to learn, yet there isn’t enough time in class to practice and there has been a lack of resources to assign speaking homework.

Teachers Lead The Way

Technology cannot do it all - teachers play a critical role in student learning that cannot be replaced or replicated. Students rely on their teachers’ experience to create a structured learning journey. Lastly, on a personal level, students crave meaningful and authentic connections and interactions.

FLOW Speak Amplifies Teachers

The ultimate recipe for student success involves combining the guidance and wisdom of a teacher with tools that allow for repetition and continued learning outside of class. This mixture of in-person teaching and ongoing practice between classes builds successful habits that solidify what was taught in class.

FLOW Speak creates a safe learning environment where it’s okay to make mistakes and try over and over again. The platform also gives instant feedback so students receive guidance on how to improve. 

This mixture of in-person teaching and ongoing practice between classes builds successful habits that solidify what was taught in class.

Integrating FLOW Speak Into Your Class

The platform is set up to be very easy for teachers to integrate into their classes while still having the flexibility to work with different class structures. The simplest method is to rely on the Weekly Mix of lessons that are automatically curated for students. 

Each week, FLOW Speak creates a collection of six lessons for students. These lessons start with foundational elements such as learning new words and phrases and a listening exercise. The lessons build up to more advanced scripted speaking scenarios and an open-ended conversation with FLOW Speak’s AI. All teachers have to do is have their students sign up and the platform takes care of the rest.

Another way teachers can integrate FLOW Speak with their class curriculum is to choose a course for students to take. Courses run for 4 to 16 weeks and focus on specific themes. Some popular courses are “Business English” and “Career Challenge”. Some teachers even work with the FLOW Speak team to create custom courses that are finely tuned to their class content.

How Much Does it Cost?

Teachers often have tight budgets to work with and need flexible options. This is why FLOW Speak is free for teachers to use. Students also have a variety of options to choose from.

Community Plan
Students can use FLOW Speak for free on the Community plan. This option gives 3 free lessons per week and two free courses. They will receive basic speech scoring and feedback.

Premium Subscription
Students can purchase a premium subscription that gives them unlimited access to all lessons and courses on the platform. They will also receive advanced speech scoring and feedback. 

This is a popular option for many teachers since it gives students the flexibility to use the platform for as long as they want and doesn’t impact the teacher’s budget. 

School purchases accounts for students
The final option is for a teacher’s school to purchase Premium accounts for students. This option works well when there are larger class sizes.

Is FLOW Speak the Right Fit?

FLOW Speak empowers teachers to continue the learning cycle outside of class time. Teachers who successfully integrate the platform can see dramatic improvements in their students’ speaking ability. 

To learn more about  FLOW Speak, fill out the form below. Our team will schedule a demo to show you the platform in more detail and discuss strategies for how you can best integrate the platform.

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John Goodman
John Goodman
CTO & Co-founder